We ARE the new world

The choices we make, affect our personal and collective reality.

Yoga, sound and rituals

Guides towards the wisdom within.

These tools can touch your core and open the wisdom that lives inside all of us. From this place choices are often powerful, loving, truthful and lead towards more freedom. 

Picture made during Kundalini Yoga at the beach in the Netherlands.

Kundalini yoga

Powerful and authentic techniques from former North India. 

Yoga can restore the connection between different parts in us. The small parts, the vastness. The human being and the eternal being. The “small self” and the “infinite self”. 

Kundalini yoga invites to live your life up to your full potential.

Retreats en Day retreats

Experience moments of reflection and deepening knowledge. Step out of your daily routine, into new surroundings. This is where epiphanies, intent and decisions come from a place deep within yourself. 

Upcoming events: 

  • Saturday july 29th, kundalini yoga on the beach. Bloemendaal. Updates: info@vir-yoga-gong.nl 
Picture made during Kundalini Yoga & Gong @ Yoga Innerwork Haarlem.
This beautiful gong saw so many places and faces already!

The power of the Gong

Pure sound, played with proper intention and with alignment can cleanse, open our awarenes, can let the energy flow and helps to relax the body. Vir plays the gong with her whole heart and soul, tapping into the moment and following her intuïtion. A gong bath with other instruments can also follow a yoga class or ritual.

About Vir

Vir (Veronica Schwegman) was born in Italy in the countryside. Her parents where choosing a simple and natural life on a biological-dynamic farm. Because of this, her life started between the trees, plants and animals. As a shy and sensitive little girl she felt most secure in her own dreamworld and in communication with nature. Her life path is to connect the spiritual world that she knows so well, with beig human and to let others experience “spirit” within.

Are you travelling with us?

We are all at a different point in our life and we are exactly where we have chosen to be. We learn from each other. Other people and experiences showed me how I can live with joy and passion and what tools I can use to stay in balance or to find my center when I feel “out of tune”. With love I share these tools with others around me. 

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga group classes on the beach or online via Zoom.

Kundalini yoga and gong

These two are a match made in heaven 🙂 We do a dynamic kundalini yoga class, followed by the subtle and powerful sound of the gong.

Despacho ritual and gong

Ritual from the Andes, Peru, sometimes followed by a gong bath. The location often is in or close to nature. We give thanks to life and set intentions for the next cycle.


Curious? Discover all upcoming workshops, events and gong sessions in my calendar. 

What others say

Since one year I follow online classes with Vir. I think she is a professional teacher who understands this work like no other. Besides this she is a powerful leader who gives you much kindness, love and space to follow your own process and to stay very close to yourself. With her guidance I found the power of stillness inside of me. I developed and experienced this in my body and learned how to enjoy it fully. Partly because of this, I developed a stronger authenticity in my personal and professional leadership.  (Karin)

When I think about Vir and her teachings, I only feel gratefulness. Grateful for all the wisdom, love, calmness and time that she puts in her classes and in the guidance beyond the classes. Vir always creates a safe space where you can be yourself. Thank you for this!   


Vir’s kundalini classes are like a warm bath for body, mind & soul. With her loving attitude Vir knows how to create an atmosphere in which you can feel connected with yourself and with the group. Vir thank you for who you are and what you bring into the world!



You can find yoga everywhere and for everybody. But in her sessions Vir gives you the impression that the benefits and the exercises are especially for you. Her intuition is miraculous, but her reaction is never pushy or pedantic. She gives her pure energy in a loving way without being “floaty”. She sings beautifully and plays music on her own or with her sister. She is always joyful. When she says Sat Nam it is true and you feel safe. A retreat or workshop with Vir and Francis is like a celebration and a homecoming to yourself.



With 15 years of experience with many yoga teachers, I think that Vir is a special yoga instructor were yoga feels really good. After the passing of my first yoga instructor, I was diligently looking for a yoga form where I can find my way. I met different teachers and finally I met Vir, who gives kundalini yoga in a very nice way. The last five years I took her classes with pleasure. Her experience has helped me in my search to the spiritual realm, my inner self. It is a long, but beautiful journey, that I have to make. Vir is a spontaneous, nice, understanding, sweet and experienced yoga teacher.



Because of you we can breathe and relax. You make us feel that the impact of light is still stronger than the impact of darkness. 


Wat ik enorm fijn vind aan de yoga lessen bij Vir is de mooie intro waardoor je weet waar je het voor doet en haar enthousiasme die je motiveert je grenzen op te zoeken. Vir is zo puur, voor mij is zij waar yoga voor staat. De gongsessie is een prachtige ervaring, heel bijzonder, niet echt in woorden te vangen. Zeker als Vir ook nog gaat zingen!
Vir is een schat van een vrouw die over een schat aan prachtige Kundalini Yogalessen beschikt. Ze deelt deze vol liefde uit, gelardeerd met mooie meditaties en muziek. Ook zingt ze ons soms zachtjes toe. Zowel online als live zijn haar lessen een feest voor mijn lichaam en geest. Ik volg Vir al jarenlang met soms een pauze. In de lockdown ook online. Zo knap hoe ze ook dat tot bijzondere en persoonlijke lessen weet om te toveren.
'Als ik aan Vir denk en aan Vir haar lessen, dan voel ik alleen maar dankbaarheid. Dankbaar voor alle wijsheid, liefde, rust en tijd die ze in haar lessen stopt en in de begeleiding buiten de lessen om. Vir creeërt tijdens haar lessen altijd een veilige ruimte waarin je jezelf kan zijn. Dank daarvoor!'